Thursday, November 22, 2012

What do you want?

This week we touched briefly on vast array of workouts one can do in the weight room. Many of us think we have a idea of what the basic muscles are and how to use machines, but we want to learn to be more specific than that. I asked you to pick a goal (get bigger, get faster, lose weight etc.) and then select ten activities you thought would be beneficial to your goal. Yesterday you tested out your work out, were asked to record it (weight, reps, sets, and the order of activities), and now I want you to reflect on your choices.

1) Please describe your workout. What activities did you choose? What order did you do them in? How much weight? How many reps/sets?

2) Why? This is the most important piece. I want to know what you are thinking when you decide what to do in you workout. What previous knowledge, or newly acquired information are you basing your choices on? Where else could you have researched some specifics or grabbed new ideas for your goal? Have you tried Youtube?

What about the App Store on your phone? 

How closely did your choices align with your overall goal? Why did you choose the order, reps, sets etc? Explain your entire thought process.

3) Now that it's done, evaluate your workout? Did it go well? Was is tough enough? Easy enough? Was it fun? Did it do what you thought it was going to do? What didn't go well? Would you change anything now? What would you remove, add, adjust?

When you are done, go check your comments on your old posts. Then go comment of 5 other peoples work out posts.

THEN: See Neuf about your parent comments on your report card blog.

Monday, November 5, 2012

PE mid point Self Reflection and Mark

Along with the post you made for your interim (please reread it to refresh your memory), I would like you to consider the following questions (from our regular interview format) and then write a second response detailing your efforts thus far AND this time including a percentage you feel is appropriate and an explanation as to why. The more honest and thoughtful your post is the better.

Once your own post is completed comment on your 5 friends posts about their mark as well. Be polite but honest with them about their goals, thoughts, and self assessment. This is sensitive territory so leave the jokes aside and be serious about your own efforts and those of your peers. This is a chance to publicly show/share with admin, parents, peers, and me how you see PE so far.

I need to see your parents have read this by having them post a comment on your report card post, OR having them email me that they have read this (, OR having them call me at the school to chat about it.