Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Modeling Learning

I have to admit something... I am not doing a very good job modeling blogging to our 300 plus new Active Learning bloggers. We are asking you to record evidence of your efforts and things you are learning but most of my posts have been instructional. This needs to change. I need to balance the examples of my learning with the instructions needed for your work.

So with that in mind I want to share a video I watched recently as a part of my own research around the concepts of student ownership and philosophy of social constructivism. I talk a lot in PE and Comm11 about opportunities for students to take control of what I believe is their education. You may have heard me talk about making class your own, seeking activities and opportunities that inspire you, and making work meaningful. This video is a really cool example of those ideas in practice.

My Comm11 class will be having 1 day a week for "Genius Hour"... Where they will select their own topic of interest to learn about. The only requirement will be to make something and teach/share it with us.

I am always learning... Always striving to understand the learning process... To become a more thoughtful teacher. Here is a my learning example from this week.


  1. I'm not even in your comm 11 but the genius hour sounds like a great idea. honestly I would be pretty happy if classes did that on a regular basis. preach it gurl

  2. Thanks Brandon... come down and hang out... Everyone can do Genius Hour.
